SAIC AIGA post designs (Social Media)

Graphic Design | Photography



Software used

Adobe Illustrator & Lightroom Classic


SAIC AIGA is a student chapter of the oldest and largest professional organization for communication design, The American Institute of Graphic Arts. I am a board member of the SAIC AIGA student chapter under the Social Media Team, where we are in charge of creating content on different social media platforms.


Taking photographs of our events and creating designs/and or layouts for our Instagram posts. Co-managing social media accounts.

Social Media Management

Student Group Fair

Every fall semester, SAIC hosts a student group fair where all the SAIC student groups have their own table with all their information for people to learn more about their group. For the 2023 SAIC student group fair, I took photos for the SAIC AIGA team and created layouts for our Instagram.

Full Instagram carousel posts

Spotted in Studio

Spotted in Studio is a series where we feature designers creating work-in-progress, allowing us to look at their process. For this segment, I take photographs of students working on their projects while interviewing them to ask them about their projects and then I also create layouts for our Instagram. I keep the first post being a picture of the student for the post and the rest in the carousel are pictures of their work.

Few more examples of some posts I created

Logo Design Speed Run

The Logo Design Speed Run is a workshop the SAIC AIGA programs team worked on. For this event, I took pictures and also created the layout for the post. For the purpose of my portfolio, I have modified it from the actual post on our Instagram.

Full Instagram carousel post (Modified)

Tiny Mic Tuesdays

Tiny Mic Tuesday is a new segment where I interview people in several ways but it is also quite an open segment where it can be reels about anything. My job within this segment is to create reels and host these interviews. After I go around asking people questions, I also edit the videos of them which are then posted on our Instagram account. I also designed a thumbnail/cover for these reels. I went for more of a fun and simple design to encapsulate the fun and informal vibe for these reels. For this segment, we post a reel every Tuesday.


DAYGLOW Album Cover


Personal Logo